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2024 AGM - Project Team Report


Defined Project Team Report to AGM 13th November 2024

The team was established last year comprising Jon Pearse (Hon Secretary), Chris Keats-Hannan (Vice Commodore), Ian Holden (Hon Treasurer) and David Keep (Business Development Officer), who is the Team Lead. Two positions, Grant Officer and Project Volunteer, remain vacant. John Tate is available as a consultant to the group and has provided valuable background.

During the year, one meeting was held to scope out the team's assigned areas of activity; further formal meetings didn't seem necessary as activity was progressed through regular telephone, email exchange and discussion at Board meetings.

Key actions in line with assigned areas of responsibility are summarised below:

  • New Lease.
  • * A detailed review of the current lease has been undertaken producing a shortened summary in simple language, helpful as an aide memoire of current key terms and conditions prior to negotiations. It has also been helpful to identify which aspects of building maintenance are ours, which are the landlords which has assisted in planning work parties.
  • * A firm of solicitors, Scotts of Leyburn, has been identified as potential legal advisers to the Club. A formal appointment will be made when lease negotiations are about to commence.
  • * In February a meeting was held with the senior contact we have at Northumbrian Water (NWL). It was good to hear that NWL views the Club as a trusted partner and they were supportive of what we do; however it was also made clear that NWL is not in a position to fund improvements at Scaling due to prioritisation of improvements to water supply infrastructure. We received agreement in principle to a new lease and to building works in line with local authority-approved plans. Subsequent liaison with NWL has not happened as the assigned interface, a new post, has still not been successfully filled.
  • External Funding.
  • * The main future need for funding will be for the planned improvements to the clubhouse. Reference below, this is not currently at that stage. During the year, we investigated sources of funding and looked further into some schemes that might have been of benefit to the Club.
  • * The following potential funding were investigated:
  • * HAF 'Holiday Activities and Food Programme', Middlesbrough and Redcar & Cleveland Council. For school age children. Not progressed as it seemed unlikely that our costs would be covered. Providing meals and activities would also be heavily dependent upon mid-week volunteer input.
  • * Tees Valley 'The Great Outdoors Challenge Fund'. A scheme to provide seed funding to establish sustainable outdoor themed festivals. On investigation it was apparent that these would be very large-scale events that we deemed beyond our resources. Tees Valley were however very keen to receive an application due to their assessment of Scaling Dam's suitability as a venue and tried to match us with a specialist festival organisation; this did not lead to a potential partner.
  • * LARCH 'Local Access Redcar & Cleveland and Hartlepool' is a partnership of local voluntary, community, social enterprises, and statutory agencies to develop and promote a culture of social enterprise. Although not normally open to companies limited by guarantee, LARCH recognised SDSWC's similar aims and potential, granting 2 days of consultant time to explore alternative business strategies alongside water sports, provided these activities would be compatible with club use. Chris and David have met three times with LARCH's consultant to receive guidance on income generation, develop a business plan and access large-scale grants and loans. LARCH may also facilitate introductions to individuals and groups that do not normally participate in water sports activity.
  • Business Development.
  • * A meeting has recently been held on site with a large Tees Valley outdoor activity company that offers water and land-based activities principally for children and young people introduced by local authorities and schools, often with high-level needs. Currently they do not offer sailing. They expressed great enthusiasm for carrying out a variety of activities at Scaling, being near some of the schools they work with locally. The agreement is likely to be similar to that with East Barmby but they would not require equipment storage. They are interested in adding sailing to their offering and would hire boats and purchase training from us.
  • * Adults with learning difficulties. Discussions were held with a care provider in Whitby regarding an individual who was very keen to join. He subsequently left that provider before it could be progressed however they may be interested in organising activities for other residents. David will follow this up. The Drascombe would be ideal for this.
  • * All directors worked together to instal the large banners by the club entrance which has prompted regular visits by interested persons.
  • Club house improvements. The planning consent for the Club's approved plans expires early next year. A building development team has very recently been formed to be lead by Zoe and shall verbally report upon its inaugural meeting at the AGM. An initial focus will be reaffirmation that current needs are reflected in the current plans and to review potential impact of works on ongoing activity.
  • Safeguarding.
  • * Carl Wood and Jo Pearse are our Joint Welfare Officers, who are registered at the RYA.
  • * David Keep is deputy welfare officer and applies, where necessary, for DBS clearances for certain employees and volunteers through RYA as an umbrella organisation.
  • * Good resources on safeguarding are available on the RYA website and Carl and Jo have undertaken RYA training.
  • * Carl and Jo have also updated the Club's safeguarding policy a big task, thank you to them both.
  • * A safeguarding page has been created on the Club's website.
  • Other activity.
  • * David worked with Phil on the recruitment of the 3 water sports assistants who did such a great job this summer; thank you to Peter Forster, Matthew Flatters and Matthew Hill. This worked so well it will probably be repeated next year.
  • * Jon and David reviewed and updated Phil's contract of employment.

David Keep

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