SDSWC AGM 2024 - Agenda
Wednesday 13th November 2024 at 7:30pm
PLEASE NOTE: It is intended to record the proceedings to allow (Inter allia) accurate minutes to be recorded. This is our Privacy Statement .
- 1. Appoint Chairman of Meeting (secretary)
- 2. Apologies
- 3. Welcome
- 4. Minutes of 2023 AGM.
- 4.1 Approve Minutes of 2023 AGM
- 5. Matters arising
- 6. Officers Reports (all pre circulated)
- 6.1 Commodores Report
- 6.2 Operations team report
- 6.3 Defined projects team report
- 6.4 Asset management team report
- 6.5 Treasurers/Finance team Report
- 6.5.1 Resolution to adopt the 2023-24 accounts
- 6.6 2025-26 Subscriptions Proposal
- 6.6.1 Resolution to approve 2025-26 Subscriptions Proposal
- 7. Directors and Officers
- 7.1 Election of Officers and Directors
- 7.1.1 Commodore and Director Operations and Finance Teams
- Nominee - Chris Keats-Hannan (Prop: Zoe Meynell, Sec: Lisa Metcalfe)
- 7.1.2 Vice Commodore Operations and Finance Teams
- No Nominees
- 7.1.3 Rear Commodore and Director Asset Management Team
- Nominee - Zoe Meynell (Prop: Chris Keats-Hannan, Sec: David Keep)
- 7.1.4 Honorary Secretary and Director All teams
- Nominee - Gail Braithwaite (Prop: Jon Pearse, Sec: Zoe Meynell)
- 7.1.5 Honorary Treasurer and Director Finance Team
- Nominee - Ian Holden (Prop: Chris Keats Hannan, Sec: Zoe Meynell)
- 7.1.6 Sailing Secretary Operations Team
- Nominee - Lisa Metcalfe (Prop:Chris Keats-Hannan, Sec: Zoe Meynell)
- 7.1.7 Business Development and Director Defined Projects Team
- Nominee - David Keep (Prop: Chris Keats-Hannan, Sec: Ian Holden)
- 7.1.8 Membership Secretary Finance and Asset Management Teams
- Nominee- Jon Pearse (Prop: Ian Holden, Sec: Zoe Meynell)
- 7.1.9 Director Board Member
- Nominee - Steve Fletcher (Prop: Chris Keats-Hannan, Sec: Zoe Meynell)
- 7.2. Approve All Volunteer Nominations
- 7.1 Election of Officers and Directors
- 8. Resolution - to appoint Chipchase Manners as the Club's independent inspectors of the accounts
- 9. Close
Voting is open to "Club Members" who may vote in person, by Zoom or by appointing their proxy. We would really prefer members attend in person if possible. However if you really need to use Zoom click here to book your Zoom place . For help with Zoom click here
The Proxy Form is available online by clicking here. The online version automatically collates your responses. If you prefer a paper version a PDF version may be downloaded here. SDSWC AGM 2024 PROXY FORM . It may be returned (a) by posting to the Club at Scaling Dam Sailing and Watersports Club, Whitby Moor Road, Easington, Saltburn By The Sea, TS13 4TP or (b) returned by email to or (c) posted into the box in the Clubhouse for that purpose to arrive not less than forty-eight hours before the time for holding the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the person named in the form proposes to vote.
J Pearse
Hon Secretary