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Data Protection

Data Protection Policy and Summary Information Notice

Scaling Dam Sailing Club (“the Club”) is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy and complying with the principles of the GDPR.  This document has been written to provide information about how we handle personal information and is a summary of our privacy information that is available in the Club House, on our website or available from Philip Brining, the Club’s Data Protection Co-Ordinator ( or 07775 660387).

In operating the Club, we may collect, create or otherwise obtain and process personal data for the following purposes: managing memberships records/records of officials and officers/prospective members; managing training activities and records; managing races and events; security and health and safety including the use of webcams and CCTV; promoting the Club and its activities including through the use of photos and video; undertaking surveys; communicating with members (including through social media and an email newsletter), financial record keeping and employment.  

We aim to process information about you fairly, lawfully, and in a transparent manner.  The lawful basis for data processing is either: 

  1. in order to fulfil the contract for membership that we have with our members; 

  2. to pursue the legitimate interests of the Club (including: to promote the Club, our activities and the sports we facilitate; to foster a sense of being part of a club; to enable us to administrate the Club efficiently and effectively; to monitor the use of Club facilities for planning purposes and to ensure that we remain within the terms of our lease of the water; for our own insurance purposes; to maintain a safe and secure environment on and around Club premises; to operate Club events such as races; to foster and encourage training, development, sportsmanship and sporting competition for the benefit of our Members; and to ensure that we remain accountable to our Members and other relevant stakeholders; 

  3. on the basis of the consent of the data subject; or 

  4. on the basis of employment and health and safety law.  

We may process special categories of personal data such as information about health for activities such as SailAbility.  We will not process personal data without a lawful basis.  We will keep personal data to a minimum, maintain it up-to-date where necessary and not retain it for any longer than is necessary for the purpose(s) for which it was collected/created.  The Club has a retention policy which is available to members.

We will share personal data that we hold with Club officials, members, trainers, digital service providers, official organisations such as the RYA, British Swimming, British Canoeing, and suppliers such as our insurers.  The Club uses MailChimp and Survey Monkey both of whose registration on the EU-US Privacy Shield is available to review here

You have the right to request access to, and the rectification or erasure of personal data that we hold about you as well as a right to object to and to a restriction of our processing of your personal data at any given time.  Where we process your personal data on based on consent you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.  Should you wish to exercise this right please contact us at  

You also have a right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office in the UK at, should you feel that we have not handled your information in line with legislative and regulatory requirements.

We use email monitoring services to monitor the emails which we send to users including time of receipt; time of opening; device used to open; location in which it was opened; which parts of the email you interacted with.  

This document has been written to provide information about how we handle personal information and is a summary of our privacy information that is available in the Club House, or on our website (see downloads below).

Scaling Dam Sailing Club - summary privacy notice. Version 1.0 - Issued 1st January 2019


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