SDSWC 2025 Season Notice of Race
Easington Road, Whitby, North Yorkshire. TS13 4TP
2025 SEASON : 1st March 2025 - 28th February 2026
Notice of Race (NoR)
The notation '[DP]' in a rule of the notice of race (NoR) means that the penalty for a breach of that rule may, at the discretion of the protest committee, be less than disqualification.
The organising authority is Scaling Dam Sailing & Watersports Club.
1.1 Events will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing, (RRS).1.2 The prescriptions of the RYA, this Notice of Race and such other rules as the Sailing Instructions may prescribe. In the event of a conflict, The Sailing Instructions shall override the Notice of Race.This changes RRS63.5(c).
2.1 Sailing Instructions will be available on the Scaling Dam Sailing & Watersports Club website at least 5 days prior to the event. Sailing Instructions Printed copies will not be made available to competitors.
3.1 The online official notice board is located at SDSWC 2025 Club Events Noticeboard
3.2 The physical official notice board is located under the clubhouse balcony, near the external entrance/exit to the changing rooms.
3.3 [DP] While racing, except in an emergency, a boat shall not make voice or data transmissions and shall not receive voice or data communication that is not available to all boats.
4.1 The events are open to all paid-up Sailing and Sailability members of Scaling Dam Sailing & Watersports Club.
4.2 The events are open to all boats with a Portsmouth Number.
4.3 Classes are defined as follows:
Class | Class/Handicap Rule | Handicap Range |
General Handicap | RYA Portsmouth Number List 2025 | PN 800 - 1650 |
Fast Handicap | RYA Portsmouth Number List 2025 | PN 1090 and below |
ILCA/Laser | ILCA7/Laser, ILCA6/Laser Radial, ILCA4/Laser4.7 | As prescribed for the ILCA7, ILCA6 and ILCA4 in the RYA PN List 2025 |
Slow Handicap | RYA Portsmouth Number List 2025 | PN 1091 and above. This includes the ILCA/Laser Class. |
Wednesday Personal | Personal handicap | Not restricted |
4.4 Age and ability related fleets are defined as follows:
Class | Defined as |
Junior | Under 13 years of age on 1st March |
Youth | Under 20 years of age on 1st March and not qualifying as a Junior |
Master | Over 60 years of age on 1st March |
Grand Master | Over 70 years of age on 1st March |
Trophy | A competitor that has won a major Scaling Dam Sailing Club & Scaling Dam Sailing & Watersports Club trophy before. A list of members included in this class is included in Appendix A1. |
Regatta | A competitor not qualifying as a Trophy Fleet entry. |
4.5 To be considered an entry in an event, a boat shall complete all registration requirements and pay all fees.
4.6 Boats may enter the events by:
Event | Boats may enter by | Event | Boats may enter by |
March Series | Completing the Sign on Sheet | Winter Pursuit Series | Registering in the Race Office |
12 o'clock Series | Completing the Sign on Sheet | Scaling Annual Regatta | Registering in the Race Office |
Class Series | Completing the Sign on Sheet | RNLI Trophy | Registering in the Race Office |
Millennium Series | Completing the Sign on Sheet | Ruby Trophy | Registering in the Race Office |
Freezer Series | Completing the Sign on Sheet | Anniversary Trophy | Registering in the Race Office |
Wednesday Series | Completing the Sign on Sheet | Huntcliffe Trophy | Registering in the Race Office |
5.1 Entry fees are as follows:
Event/Series | Fee | Event/Series | Fee |
March Series Wednesday Series 12 o'clock Series Class Series Millennium Series Freezer Series Ruby Trophy Anniversary Trophy Huntcliffe Trophy Winter Pursuit Series | none none none none none none none none none none | Annual Regatta & RNLI Trophy*: Adult (over 20 years of age on 1st March 2025) Youth/Junior *voluntary donations above this are welcome for the RNLI Trophy | £2.00 per person £1.00 per person |
6.1 Changes of crew will not be permitted without prior approval of the race organising authority.
7.1 Advertising will be controlled as per World Sailing Regulation 20 - 'Advertising Code'
8.1 The events will comprise a single series of races.
9.1 Registration
9.1.1 Completing the Sign on Sheet
(a) Competitors intending to participate in a race shall complete the signing on sheet for that race no later than 5 minutes before the published start time in the Racing Programme or, if different, on the course noticeboard, the latter takes priority. Any boat not entered will be classed as a non-starter.
(b) The above does not apply to the Annual Regatta, RNLI, Ruby, Anniversary, and Huntcliffe Trophy events.
9.1.2 Registration in the Race Office
Event | From | To |
RNLI Trophy,Ruby Trophy, Anniversary, Trophy, | 11:00 | 14:50 |
Huntcliffe Trophy | 17:00 | 19:00 |
Annual Regatta | 10:00 | 14:50 |
Winter Pursuit Series | 10:00 | 11:15 |
9.2 Dates of racing: The dates of racing are given in the Racing Programme given in Appendix A2
9.3 Number of races:
Series | Number of races scheduled for each Series | Races per day Scheduled |
March Series | 10 | 2 |
12 o'clock Series | 24 (8/Spring/8 Summer/8 Autumn) | 1 |
Class Series | 24 (8/Spring/8 Summer/8 Autumn) | 1 |
Millennium Series | 24 (8/Spring/8 Summer/8 Autumn) | 1 |
Wednesday Series | 24 (8/Spring/8 Summer/8 Autumn) | 1 |
Freezer Series | 8 | 2 |
Winter Pursuit Series | 6 | 2 |
One Day Trophy Event: Huntcliffe Trophy | 2 | 2 |
One Day Trophy Events: RNLI Trophy, Ruby Trophy, Anniversary Trophy | 3 | 3 |
Annual Regatta | 5 | 2 on Saturday 3 on Sunday |
9.4 Briefing for Scaling Annual Regatta will be at 13:00 Saturday 26 July 2025 and again at 10:00, Sunday 27 July 2025 in front of the clubhouse. (Reserve dates/times: 13:00 Saturday 23 August 2025 and again at 10:00, Sunday 24 August 2025).
9.5 The scheduled time of the warning signal for the first race each day:
9.5.1 Sundays Series
Series | Time | Series | Time |
12 o'clock Series | 11:55 | Millennium Series | 15:25 |
Class Series: Fast Handicap Slow Handicap | 13:25 13:29 | March Series | 10:55 |
Freezer Series | 10:55 | ||
Winter Pursuits | 10:25 |
9.5.2 Sunday One Day Events
Event | Time |
RNLI Trophy, Ruby Trophy, Anniversary Trophy | 11:55 |
9.5.3 Annual Regatta
Event | Time |
Saturday 26 July 2025 (reserve date 23 Aug 2025) | 13:55 |
Sunday 27 July 2025 (reserve date 24 Aug 2025) | 10:55 |
9.5.4 Wednesday Series
Event | Time |
Wednesday Series 2, 9 April, 3,10,17,24 Sept | 18:40 |
Wednesday Series 16 April - 27 Aug | 18:55 |
9.5.5 Wednesday One Day Event
Event | Time |
Huntcliffe Trophy | 18:25 |
9.6 On Sundays, no warning signal will be made after 16:15. On Wednesdays, no warning signal will be made after 20:00
10.1 Each boat shall produce or verify the existence of a valid measurement certificate.
10.2 For classes such as ILCA/Laser/Topper that do not have measurement certificates; boats shall conform to class rules.
10.3 Boats may be inspected at any time.
10.4 The fact that race officials may conduct inspections of a boat does not reduce the responsibility of each competitor set out in this Notice of Race.
11.1 RRS 40.1 shall apply at all times while afloat.
11.2 Replacement sails and spars manufactured to perform the same function as the original part which are not official parts bearing the Optimist/Topper/ILCA/Laser® registered trademark are permitted.
12.1 The sailing area will be at Scaling Dam Reservoir.
13.1 Courses for racing will be around the fixed club marks. The Scaling Dam reservoir and usual mark layout is displayed on the course board at the front of the clubhouse and in the Sailing Instructions.
13.2 The courses to be sailed will be decided on the day and sailors notified via the course board.
14.1 The Post Race Penalty and the RYA Arbitration Procedures of the RYA Rules Disputes Procedures are available on the RYA website. Arbitration decisions can be referred to the protest committee but cannot be reopened or appealed.
15.1 PY handicaps will be used. If a boat's class is not listed, then the Sailing Secretary will allocate a Series Trial PY number which cannot be appealed.
15.2 The Low Point System of RRS Appendix A will apply, except as follows.
(a) A4 modified so that 1st place shall score ¾ points.
(b) Rule A8.1 is replaced by:
If there is a series-score tie between two or more boats, each boat's race scores shall be listed in order of best to worst, and at the first point(s) where there is a difference the tie shall be broken in favour of the boat(s) with the best score(s). All scores shall be included.
If a tie remains rule A8.2 shall apply. All races will be used including those with DNC results.
15.3 A series will be valid if two races are completed and scored.
15.4 Series Scores
15.4.1 When fewer than 9 races have been completed, a boat's series score is the total of her race scores excluding her worst scores as defined in the table below:
Races completed | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Number of scores to be excluded | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 4 |
15.4.2 When 9 or more races have been completed, a boat's series score is the total of her race scores excluding her worst scores as defined in the table below:
Races completed | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
Number of scores to be excluded | 5 | 6 | 6 | 7 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 9 | 10 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 12 | 13 | 13 | 14 |
15.4.3 When more than 24 races have been completed, a boat's series score is the total of her race scores excluding her worst scores. The number of her worst scores to be excluded is equivalent to 60% (rounded down) of the number of the races held
15.5 Rule A5.3 applies.
15.6 Duties
15.6.1 Average points will be awarded to competitors who have performed Race Officer, Assistant Race Officer or Safety Helm/Crew duties, at the end of each series.
15.6.2 (a) When fewer than 9 races have been completed, a maximum of 1 duty per helm per series can be counted towards average points, with the exception of a One Day Trophy Event.
(b) When 9 or more races have been completed, a maximum of 2 duties per helm per series can be counted towards final average points.
15.6.3 On a 'One Day Event' and the Annual Regatta average points are not awarded.
16 SUPPORT PERSON VESSELS - Does not apply
18 BERTHING - Does not apply
19 HAUL-OUT RESTRICTIONS- Does not apply
21.1 Visual Images Consent: Competitors grant the Organising Authority or their agents, without payment, the right in perpetuity to make, use, show or publish any motion pictures, still pictures and live or recorded coverage in any media, of or relating to the Regatta, unless they have advised the organising authority otherwise, in writing prior to or on the day of the event.
21.2 Privacy Statement: The personal information you provide to the organising authority will be used to facilitate your participation in the events. If you have agreed to be bound by the Racing Rules of Sailing and the other rules that govern the event (the rules), the legal basis for processing that personal information is contract. If you are not bound by the rules, the legal basis for processing that personal information is legitimate interest. Your personal information will be stored and used in accordance with the organising authority's privacy policy. When required by the rules, personal information may be shared with the RYA, your national authority and/or World Sailing. The results of the events and the outcome of any hearing or appeal may be published.
22.1 RRS 3 states: "The responsibility for a boat's decision to participate in a race or continue racing is hers alone."
Sailing is by nature an unpredictable sport and therefore inherently involves an element of risk. By participating in SDSWC events each competitor (and their parent(s) or guardian(s) in the case of a competitor under 18 years of age) agrees and acknowledges that:
(a) They are aware of the inherent element of risk involved in the sport and accept responsibility for the exposure of themselves, their crew and their boat to such inherent risk whilst taking part in the event;
(b) They are responsible for the safety of themselves, their crew, their boat and their property whether afloat or ashore;
(c) They accept responsibility for any injury, damage or loss to the extent caused by their own actions or omissions;
(d) Their boat is in good order, equipped to sail in the event and they are fit to participate;
(e) The provision of a race management team, patrol boats, Water Safety Craft and other officials nd volunteers does not relieve them of their own responsibilities;
(f) The provision of patrol boat, Water Safety Craft cover is limited to such assistance, particularly in extreme weather conditions, as can be practically provided in the circumstances;
(g) It is their responsibility to familiarise themselves with any risks specific to this venue or this event drawn to the attention in any rules and information produced for the event and to attend any safety briefing held for the event.
22.2 The provision of Water Safety Craft does not absolve any boat of its responsibilities.
23.1 Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance with a minimum cover of £3,000,000 per incident or equivalent.
24.1 Prizes will be given as follows:
Event/Series | Placing | Trophy/Award |
March Series | 1st Overall | Keepsake award |
12 o'clock Series | 1st Overall Highest placed Junior Highest Placed Youth Highest placed Regatta Fleet | Keepsake award Junior Plate Youth Plate Shell Trophy |
Overall Class Series | 1st Overall Fast Handicap 1st Overall Slow Handicap Highest placed Streaker in Slow Handicap 1st Overall ILCA/Laser | Turner Townsend Rose Bowl Evening Gazette Cup Aphrodite Trophy The Scaling Bell |
Millennium Series | 1st Overall | Millennium Trophy |
Wednesday Night Series | 1st Overall Highest placed Junior or Youth 1st Overall (on personal handicap rating) | Thornton Trophy The Ellis Rose Bowl The Walworth Trophy |
Annual Regatta | 1st Overall Highest placed Junior Highest Placed Youth Highest Placed Master Highest Placed Grand Master Highest placed Regatta Fleet | Commodore's Cup Walter Danby Cup Sport for All Student Cup Sport For All Masters Cup Keepsake award Keepsake award |
RNLI Trophy | 1st Overall | Colin Harrison RNLI Trophy |
Ruby Trophy | 1st Overall | Ruby Trophy |
Anniversary Trophy | 1st Overall | Anniversary Trophy |
Huntcliffe Trophy | 1st Overall | Huntcliffe Trophy |
Freezer Series | 1st Overall | Keepsake award |
All Event/Series | Competitor with the lowest personal handicap rating | Sport for All Trophy |
24.2 Prizes will be presented after racing has been completed. Perpetual trophies will be presented at a Scaling Dam Sailing & Watersports Club 'End of Season' Social Event. Date to be confirmed.
24.3 Keepsake awards other than those listed in NoR 24.1 will be made at the discretion of the Organising Authority.
25.1 For further information please contact: Lisa Metcalfe,
Competitors qualifying as 'Regatta Fleet' are as follows:
Judy Armstrong | Wayne Fletcher | Lisa Metcalfe |
Mark Bennett | William Francis | Zoe Meynell |
Henry Blades | Glyn Hambley | Richard Noden |
Aiden Boland | Matthew Hill | Jessica Pound |
Philip Brining | David Hodgson | Michael Rhodes |
Sophie Brining | Ian Holden | Alun Roberts |
Stephen Brisley | Nicholas Hunt | Paul Souter |
Jonathan Brown | Samuel Hunt | Peter Snowdon |
Keith Caush | Thomas Hunt | John Tate |
Simon Cook | Matthew Jackson | Carl Wood |
Philip Dickinson | Dominic Jackson | Andrew Young |
John Ellis | George King | Erin Young |
Alan Fearnley | Harry King | |
Steven Fletcher | Mark Lewis |